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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Urban areas are developing so are the metropolitan cities. However due to the stringent laws and impromptu regional transport ministry, the ever increasing and expanding cities' roads have exhausted their traffic handling capacities. Hitherto there have been no major congestions and traffic imbroglio; though traffic jams have become common. But in no more time, this situation will be replaced with constant jams, congestions and superflous queuing at signals and long waiting lines. To avert this situation and mollify the traffic flow, the Government officials are planning to make new roads by utilizing natural resources like hills, grass plains, forests and grazing lands meant for livestock farming. Obviously it will ease the traffic flow temporarily; making a more complex situation in the near future, as it will just add a new congested traffic route disrupting the eco-system, residential life in that area. To address this issue, quantitative optimization with a combination of analytics can become an arbitrator to solve the problem. This paper attempts to derive an algorithm and prove that statistical analysis/analytics can be the best possible method to solve the issue. The algorithm is explained with help of a live case study for better understanding. We present research on developing models that regulate traffic flow and congestion in the Kothrud suburbs. We review the modeling effort and describe experiments probing the predictive accuracy of the models. Finally, we present research on building models that can identify current and future surprises, via efforts on modeling and controlling unexpected situations.
Keywords :
  • eco-system
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