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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

Article Details ::
Article Name :
Author Name :
Rimpy Agarwal
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
It has been found that the art had emerged right at the birth of man. Therefore art and man have been on integral part of each other’s life. Till 8th century, a lot of work was done in the cave temples, sculptures, stupas and relief sculptures. After this gigantic work drastic changes occurred in the world of art due to many reasons. The followers of Buddhism made strenuous and fresh efforts to spread their religion across the boundaries of India to foreign lands. Solid and huge work was replaced by petite, delicate art work and this was miniature painting. Thus came the emergence of the manuscript paintings. This art was mainly an instrument of religion. Miniature means very tiny. The main examples of this art have been found in Pala Buddhist manuscripts from Bihar, Bengal and western India. Some early examples of these paintings have been found in Kashmir.
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