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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

Article Details ::
Article Name :
Author Name :
Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman , A. A. Khan
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Article Series No. :
Article :
Author Profile
Abstract :
We have always talked about recorded material and audio material only. But of course, we can also bring in video in the form of film clips, DVD or online video extracts for our learners to listen and learn while they watch. Video have many good reasons for encouraging students to watch while they listen. In the first place, they get to see “language in use”. This not only captures their interest but also allows them to internalise a whole lot of paralinguistic behaviour. For example, they can see how intonation matches facial expression and what gestures accompany certain phrases. Video allows learners entry into a new world of communications: they see how different people stand when they talk to each other and at the same time try to mime and learn many things, they also put themselves into different characters and echoes. This first helps the learners to memorize the target language chosen for them through the video.
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