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Article Details ::
Article Name :
Author Name :
Malay Das
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Article Series No. :
Article :
Author Profile
Abstract :
Euthanasia is one of the debatable issues in the world since long. Euthanasia generally means to perform a deliberate action with explicit intention of ending the life of a person, without any selfish motive and purely out of empathy and compassion, who is suffering in an incurable disease and living a meaningless life. The debates over euthanasia primarily develop around the world regarding the question of whether it should get legal status. India is no exception of it. Since the verdict of Supreme Court of India on 7 March, 2011 in the case of A.R.Shanbaug Versus Union of India, where the Apex court allow passive euthanasia in rarest of rare cases sitting strict legal and medical guidelines, the debates over euthanasia get prominence in Indian society. Laws are made for the wellbeing of people. And for that before taking any decision to the question of legislating euthanasia in the country, it is essential to know the sentiment of common people in the society regarding the issue. Aiming to get an impulse of common people regarding the subject under discussion a survey has been made among common people in various districts of West Bengal.
Keywords :
  • Terminally ill
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