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Article Name :
ESTRUTURA DE CUSTOS NA PRODUÇÃO DE MEL EM UMA COOPERATIVAAPÍCOLA NA AMAZÔNIA OCIDENTAL (Cost structure in the production of honey in a beekeeping cooperative in the Western Amazon)
Author Name :
Carmeluci Perucci Benetti dos Santos, José Arilson de Souza, Wellington Silva Porto, Alexandre de Freitas Carneiro and Emanuel Fernando Maia de Souza
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Article Series No. :
Article :
Author Profile
Abstract :
Cooperatives represent a significant portion in the context Brazilian economic current. Its development is due to the need that the human being has a meaning in the course of history, to work in co-operation scheme, in order to obtain better results in your business. The cooperatives are entities with their own characteristics, therefore require professional management qualified, under penalty of succumb to voracious capitalism brought by globalization in the world of business. This study aimed to identify what are the costs of production of honey applied to a Beekeeping Cooperative the Municipality of Vilhena/RO. It is an exploratory and descriptive study, from bibliographic research and case study, using as data collection procedure with spot.
Keywords :
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