Certificate of Publication
ISSN NO  : 2249-894X             
Review Of Research Journal
International Recognition Research Journal
This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research Paper of
Dr. /Shri. /Smt.: Joyce Karoline Pinto Oliveira Pontes
Topic:-O CONTRATO SOCIAL E A DEMOCRACIA DO PONTO DE VISTA DO FILÓSOFO JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (The social agreement and the democracy of the point of view of philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau)
[ Jornalista. Especialista em Informática Aplicada á Educação. MBA Em Gerenciamento de Projetos. Mestre e Doutoranda em Sociedade e Cultura na Amazônia, orientada pela Dra Artemis de Araújo Soares na Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). ]
The Research paper is Original & Inovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
Authorised Signature
Ashok Yakkaldevi

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Phone No. :- +91-0217-2372010    Mobile No. :- +91-9595359435,
Mail us at :- editorlsrj@gmail.com ,  mailto:ayisrj@yahoo.in

O CONTRATO SOCIAL E A DEMOCRACIA DO PONTO DE VISTA DO FILÓSOFO JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (The social agreement and the democracy of the point of view of philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau)
certificate of Excellence in Reviewing
Awarded to
Joyce Karoline Pinto Oliveira Pontes

In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal