International Recognition Research Journal |
Review Of Research |
Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal |
Certificate of Acceptance |
This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research
Paper of Dr. /Shri. /Smt.:
Júlio Cláudio da Silva and César Aquino Bezerra
RELAÇÕES RACIAIS E DE GÊNERO NA TRAJETÓRIA DE LÉA GARCIA NO TEMPO DO TEATRO EXPERIMENTAL DO NEGRO (1952-1957)1 * (Gender and racial relationships at Léa Garcia’s Trajectory of the Teatro Experimental do Negro – TEN (Black people’s Experimental Theater - TEN) in 1952-1957 (Brazil))
Professor Adjunto do Centro de Estudos Superiores de Parintins da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. ; Acadêmico do Centro de Estudos Superiores de Parintins da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. |
The Research paper is Original & Innovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
Authorised Signature |
258/34, Raviwar Peth Solapur-413005 Maharashtra, India
Ph. No. : +91-0217-2372010,+91-9595359435
Email editorlsrj@gmail.com , mailto:ayisrj@yahoo.in
Website : oldror.lbp.world |
Dr.Ashok Yakkaldevi