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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

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Article Name :
Author Name :
João Artur Avelino Leão , Flávio de São Pedro Filho, José Moreira da Silva Neto
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Article Series No. :
Article :
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Abstract :
The conflicting causal relationship in the environment of the Amazon requires mediation of the Academy for obtaining a valid support involving some concepts of Socio-Environmental Management and perception of social actors observers of the causal relationship. This study will answer the question: What is the perception of the concept of Socio-Environmental Management of Entrepreneurs in the State of Acre? The assignment has as main goal to investigate the behavioral perspective of entrepreneurs involved in the socio-environmental relationship; and how specific objectives propose to elaborate a brief critical analysis about the conceptual maturation of entrepreneurs (1), perform a brief comparative study of reality, considering the performance of entrepreneurs (2) and provide proficient instrumentals indicatives for an appropriate socio-environmental management in the researched context (3). The study is based on the Contingence Theory and in the elements of the Task Environment. A qualitative research was adopted, through the Case Study Method and the procedures required. As result it is possible to affirm that the entrepreneurs have been leading their activities by the gratuitousness in the relationship with the environment, while they transfer to consumers the goods and services and their lack of commitment (1); The consulted social actors agree with the possibility of profits thought investments in socio-environmental initiatives by the entrepreneurs from Acre, while they oppose to practices such as the ones that have been developing by the entrepreneurs (2); and as perspective it is suggested to educate the entrepreneurs, implementing awareness with wide dissemination of sustainable management concept (3). This assignment is a contribution to those interested in Socio-Environmental Management issues and sustainability in the Amazon.
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