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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

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Author Name :
Anand Naik Panvelkar , Sandesh Naik
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The technology has changed the personal and business life totally. The laptop is an important innovation in techno field. It has increase the efficiency of business transaction and human being in personal life. The laptop is been use in different field and by different age group of people. Each and every individual want the maximum satisfaction from this tool. This make customer a careful examiner while purchasing the laptop. The various preferential criteria are been used by customers such as brand name, price, technical features, external features etc.This things keep business on high alert all the time because the preferential criteria of customers can change at any moment. The present study focus on behaviour of select users towards laptop. In the today’s world work without technology is like bread without butter. Technology has changed our work and personal life to a greater extent. Technology has become necessity for human life. Among many technological innovations, laptop is one of tool use for multipurpose work. In the business world laptop is one of the tools responsible for increasing work efficiency. It is use for day to day business transaction like keeping attendance record of employees, calculation of salary, accounts, record of stock of materials etc.In similar fashion it is use in academic field by teachers and students. At present laptop is one of the teaching aid uses for delivering lectures in the class. On the other side students are use laptops for project work. Besides these laptop is use for games and entertainment as part of leisure activity. So the people from all the fields and from different age groups are using laptop. There are many advantages are associated with laptop as comparison to the traditional personal computer. The laptop is easy to carry and handle which gives advantages to the people whose work are not limited in one physical room or location. The battery backup is another special feature of the laptop. To get maximum benefit from this device, the careful selection of laptop from various options is important. It comes in many different screen size, colour, storage capacity, price, company brand etc.The customer approach or buying behaviour of customers towards this device is highly personal. The preference of the customers towards laptop is vary based on following factors like price, brand name, technical and external features. From business point of view it is very essential to know the behaviour or approach of customers because the need and taste of customers keep on changing, it will the firm to design the effective marketing mix strategy and market segmentation according to changing environment. The present paper focus on customer’s approach of select users towards laptop from mapusa city (North Goa).
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