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Qualis Capes / BRAZIL as B3

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Article Name :
Author Name :
S. S. Solanke , G. K. Chalindrawar and Patange V. N.
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Article Series No. :
Article :
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Abstract :
In the old age of the world, peoples has using some code to share language ,after some time humans life style has been changed forever and forever & to use some particular language for the communication. They have used some language for exchanging message to each other. As per changed the life style and country chin has invented the paper and hand written text has became in front of the world. The knowledge has improved between all the areas .Literature of Greek has been popular and except religion the knowledge has becoming more and more powerful so the technology and science has became in front of world. This knowledge has used to improve in the radio, television education. Due to Internet knowledge of word has getting instantly on one click. The difficult work done has become too easy by using the smart devices and smart phones. An attractive data plan, cheap electronic devices has advantages that all having to use it , spreads it and becoming a popular. The user of social media has been grown and grows day to day rapidly due to such type of reasons. All peoples used laptop, notepad instead of notebook, diary for their storage purpose and used the face book, Twitter, what’s app for transferring the messages in the groups. The peoples having online friends, so face to face discussion have now in history. This paper describes the facts for using social media and its crime occurred using the social media.
Keywords :
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